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Immediately thought of this upon hearing the news...

My t-shirt from 1986 predicted this.

“Hey look! It’s Enrico Pallazzo!”

Where’s Enrico Palazzo when you need him?


This infuriates me so much. There are so many reasons why someone would want to be on prep (imagine you’re a good christian woman and your husband is a Christ-loving former addict who seroconverted before you met him, what are your options?) and so many more. This is pure hypocritical spite. 

I know it’s obvious but you don’t have to have gay sex or even any sort of sex to be infected with HIV... You can even be born with it. This is beyond infuriating and crossing into the realm of completely confusing. It’s a profoundly stupid decision, so that means we can fully expect the current Supreme Court to

Uhh does the judge not realize that hetero people can get HIV as well? Like wtf is this country becoming.

This incisive, point-by-point takedown of the article’s points is not at all flailing, desperate, and sad, and it aligns perfectly with the always-consistent messaging from FPOTUS on this subject, proving that the writer has a real grasp on how to argue effectively and logically. It truly is a wonder that the

I’m glad your comment got published. Now everyone knows you’re unhinged. 

Fuck you people are fucking insane

See you tomorrow at this site that you hate.

I’m nearly certain this is the default and the rest of the thread is those  weird Android users who spend a lot of headspace on other peoples phone choices.....its creepy.

or, just don’t be an idiot and turn off the ability for anyone other than your contacts to AirDrop you anything... or Turn AirDrop off until you want to actually use it... it’s a non issue if you know how to use your phone.

I’m mainly referring to your idea that “Legally obtained” somehow absolves any shadiness or lapse in morality on your part regardless of how it screws over devs. But hey keep defending key resellers.

Its fun watching people work overtime to explain why they aren’t pieces of shit.

Think I’ve found the people who sold review codes.

I thought Radcliffe was lip-syncing to Weird Al.

Patriot is the best and I will never stop talking about it. And yes, Chris Conrad! If you love Patriot, check out Perpetual Grace, LTD, which ran for a season on Epix and has a lot of the same cast and (I think) all of the same writers/team.