
Kids are smart these days. I played winter ball down in Venezuela, kids half his age and every one of them was speaking Spanish!

Reminds me of a similar place in my town which also closed down.

At least I know not to waste my time and money on it this time. I tried so hard to get into BotW, but I’m not even going to bother this time around.

They should really call him First Cousin Once-Removed Greg.


You get a pretty good look at the cop who was eyeing his lemon pound cake.

I didn’t say they were contradictory statements, I said they were at odds. Yes, I get that “someone” and “no one” are referring to different groups. I know how indexicals work.

I understand that distinction, but isn’t this a part of a larger, social issue of general concern? It’s not just the producers or whomever that needs to be made aware and listen to them, but also society at large. That’s how you effect greater change in the industry.

These two statements seem a bit at odds with each other: “Okay, okay. Finally, someone is listening to us... No one, no one benefits from knowing anything.”

But that’s the guy from Depeche Mode!

And Red Dwarf (which Cox appeared in an episode of) keeps plugging along after 35 years.

What was that movie where aliens attack, but they’re allergic to alcohol or something so all the people in town have to stay drunk so the aliens won’t eat them?

I always wanted them to do a cover of “Hey Bulldog.” I think it would have been awesome.

That’s some Aes Sedai reasoning there...

Now do Roman.

The meaning of words is dictated by how people use them. It’s why literally now literally means figuratively. As pointed out, many places all over the country, all over the industry, use the term boneless wings to refer to fried chicken breast chunks prepared in a style similar to buffalo wings.

I’ve been queuing for The Universe for AGES.

Does this count as MY Christmas present? Because I didn’t ask for THAT.

Okay, so these photos mostly just prove that Robinson is still very good at making exaggerated “What the hell?” faces.