Yeah, then that’s stupid advice. You expect a person to order multiple sandwiches at the same time? How confusing is that?
Yeah, then that’s stupid advice. You expect a person to order multiple sandwiches at the same time? How confusing is that?
To be fair, “the Dark One” isn’t the actual name of the the big bad, but rather a name the people have adopted to refer to it because they believe saying the actual name, Shai’tan, brings the Dark One’s attention upon you and presumably that will cause you pain and suffering.
I’d like him to figure out where that billiard ball came from.
I prefer the theory that surmises that “Buzz Hickey Memorial Services” is not a reference to his death, but rather he retired as a professor to start his own business as a funeral director.
It took my a while to work up the courage to actually beat Alien: Isolation.
In terms of slow-rolling your order, I think they mean let them know that you’ll be ordering multiple items and then go one by one.
Yeah, there’s no way he would have gotten Iron Man without that.
Just fill the store with vending machines, so you have to pay for it to take it “off the shelf.”
As a Californian, I like Trader Joe’s but it’s a supplementary grocery store. I can’t get everything I want there. Safeway is what I use most. It doesn’t have the same quality for everything that Whole Foods, Trader Joe’s, or Sprouts might have, but it does have everything I need.
I wouldn’t want another Harrier DuBois game, but a game set in the same world exploring similar themes in its own way would be cool.
I don’t think this is limited to the NFL. Pretty sure they do it in at least the NHL too.
The character’s name is Dante, the actor’s name is Brian O’Halloran.
For the Wall!
How does this affect Pacific Cooler, the objectively best Capri-Sun flavor?
It’s just an inferior version of the cheesy gordita crunch though.
Oh, that’s why they were dressed up as cowboys!
That could be read as you signing off with your name though.
I want to say that there were actually two known incidents of it. One when he was 12, another when he was 16. It’s entirely possible he did it much more though.
Broken Flowers. Dead Man. Down by Law. All off the top of my head, but I’m a fan.
I mean, yeah, I always assumed it was just all the other available types of bagel combined: garlic, onion, poppy seed, sesame seed. Obviously omitting fruits like blueberry or raisin (and the accompanying cinnamon).