
Culkin’s quotes don’t even seem that bad from what I recall, but the article definitely couches them in such a manner to imply negativity.

Did anyone ever see that movie Warhorse? Looked bad.

You’re afraid you’re going to get sucked out!

They need to start talking about the damn heron marked sword for one thing. Digging into Rand’s origins is how you make him a more interesting character.

[possibly some cryptic book spoilers below]

Would walkie talkies work?

The article makes this exact reference.

This. People seem to confuse “funny movie/TV show” with “comedy.” Is the MCU all comedies?

I actually kinda like the chicken fries, but they’re way overpriced so I never order them.

You know they brought it back right? It’s been back for like a year now. (Edit: the orange Hi-C that is)

They also have fried cheese curds.

I legitimately don’t understand those celebrity collaboration meals. What is the allure?

You could also see Greg turning into an asshole is season 2. One moment that really stands out to me was in the season 2 finale where he’s lying on the yacht drinking a sparkling rose and I forget who he’s talking to, but he says something like, “This isn’t my favorite, but it’s okay, I guess. I’ll drink it.” This

Cool thanks.

Considering how progressive the show is being / attempting to be, it is odd that they’ve already killed multiple characters purely for the sake of development of other characters. The latest in fact involved a chain of deaths for the sake of development! Aes Sedai dies so Warder can further develop leading him to kill

I interpret him as an Inquistor. He suspects she can channel. Seeing her once before with another he suspected Aes Sedai, seeing her again on the road to Tar Valon, her attempt to flee him, her seemingly travelling with a warder. All of this gives a type like that enough to work with. So he begins torture to extract a

This series probably needs “experts” and “newbies” reviews like they did with GoT (I say this as someone who hates how much WoT and GoT are being compared).

It’s being posted on every article it seems like. Totally f’ed up. This place seems to have no limit at how worse it can get. Seen a lot of people suggesting

Something I’ve never gotten: what does the ring of power actually do? Let’s say Galadriel or Gandalf or Boromir actually got the ring. What would they do with it? How would it help Gondor win the war for example? I mean, Gollum had it forever and it just drove him crazy and let him turn invisible.