
Where is Meisner? More of that beefcake please!

It doesnt seem to be that kind of show. Maybe they are not allowed to be experimental?

Uhm-hmm. Remember the dinner where Monroe and Rosalee invited Nick and Juliette to the wedding? Rosalee and Juliette had a cute and sweet exchange but it was Monroe and Nick that had a very touching heart-to-heart. Hilarious!

What a great actor! He can be a good villain but I prefer comical Alexis Denisof. I miss Wesley Wyndam-Price!!!

What happened to that storyline anyway? He hasn't been exhibiting his new super-zombie-powers.

I feel so sorry for Adalind now. But I understand the plot has to be this way. It would have been super cheesy if:
1. the Grimmsters forgave her and protected/hid her, or;
2. she tagged along with Kelly Burkhardt and Diana

Yeah I just realized she played Claire's mother, the Beverly Hills toy-dog-toting housewife type!

After seeing Liam Neeson's The Grey, I will never look at Owen the same way again. UGH. And I was so surprised to learn that he is not gay in real life!

When she was in Nip/Tuck, her acting was very Paige. It was so cringe worthy!!! I still love Rose McGowan though. I think she should stick with true villain roles. She was perfect in Devil in the Flesh and Jawbreaker!

I thought it has been established since the 1st season that almost, if not all the characters in The Good Wife can be (or are) in the grey, just like the rest of us. Nobody is entirely in the black or white of morality. Which harks back to The Wire.

Oops! I was thinking of Carrie Preston's character on The Good Wife and as my mind was somewhere else, my hands decided to type Lane (who is also on The Good Wife!) instead of Ingram.

When Greer looks at the Samaritan screen, it showed Nathan Lane and Harold's different aliases! I was so afraid that Grace's name would be displayed but I didn't see it. Im afraid Greer is going to use Grace to flush out Harold.

Never! The actor playing Daniel is British, right? Sometimes, he tries too hard to sound like Marlon Brando/Al Pacino/James Gandolfini. Especially when he's angry? I despise the character.

Can Kalinda's character get any worse? She just forces her way in Cary's place and then leaves him blueballed when she can't get an erection? I hope that's the last we see of Lana. Wallflower role, mediocre, ugly actress.

I love the Margaux character and the actress is fantastic! She is so driven and her face can be so steely, I want her on Emily's side. Maybe when Daniel fucks her over? Since he's becoming more and more Conrad Junior now, which is so much better than clueless-boyfriend-yuppie-Daniel.

Yes please tell me they become BFFs again

All these mini-stories reminded me of the subplots on The Sopranos that were never revisited/resolved. Remember Grace's bedroom webcam? I thought they were going to do a teenage social media suicide story since it was all over the news at that time.

I really thought he was going to start laughing or scream in exultation now that he can/may be a name partner? But he wanted to sincerely shed a tear in private, that gives the character more depth IMO, not just a caricature.