
Dear AVclub: Please replace the reviewer for the next season. Thanks.

How… WASPy of you.

Please don't injure yourself clutching those pearls.

Im so edgy… not. Hahaha!

I dont live in a 3rd world country. Your kindergarten insults really hurt. Ouch.

My favorite part is JLM's face when he pleads to Joan, in all humility and sincerity, when he utters the word "Stay". So powerful. I could feel his emotions emanating from the screen!

Tee hee. You think you're so tough. Im from a 3rd world country and you aint seen nothing yet, you coddled brat.

I was never against profanity. Maybe learn to read? This fucking show.

It's fun knowing that you twitch helplessly at the mere mention of the Brownstone. They can start calling it the Crownstone or the Drownstone and there is nothing you can do about it.

Bing is useful if you search for porn. Better than google. Or so they say, I dont search nor watch porn…

So bitchy and catty! You go, girl.

tldr but did you mean: This fucking show

Did your penis shrink at the mention of The Good Wife? Awww. Better man up, we all can't be techgeek fanatic losers.

But you're a 32 year old who still plays video games (not that there's anything wrong with that), so of course you would prefer POI (not that there's anything wrong with that).

I was thinking that Grace would see the international broadcast but alas! I also noticed Harold looked sideways into the camera before taking the stand, I wonder if he was trying to look at Grace if she was watching? Or if he could tell that the trial was a false broadcast.

I dont watch Criminal Minds but Brett was a sweaty, slimy, rapist electrician (?) on Revenge for a few episodes. So cringeworthy.

Ian McKellen was in the 2009 remake and he looks like Uncle John.

Excellent tv show and an excellent review. I had high hopes that the comments would come from intelligent people as well but sadly that phrase just makes you look like an inarticulate pleb. I am sincerely embarrassed for you.

Im pretty sure Emily s̶a̶v̶e̶d̶ stored him for a rainy day. It's always good to keep pawns in your VanCamp.

The pub scene with the flashback, her smashing Jack's car window, the slow-motion of her face covered with the strands of hair in the breeze, her moment of realization… excellent writing and direction!