
well, you're luckier than this guy:

Killing a large animal with a small caliber gun is not unheard of. My mother killed a moose once with a single .22 shot. I believe it was her one and only hunting experience. Though it happened decades ago, we still have a photo.

You, sir are one outstanding commenter.

Sounds like you worked at Foxconn. Good for you that you found a better place.

A classic.

Mess, you say? Fine then, I have a much simpler request: just give me an option to hide/delete unwanted channels from the cable box menu. I will continue to pay the full bill, yet enjoy the cleaner layout, the illusion of a tidier content package and, most of all, not having to wade through hundreds of lines of pure

It's airing anew on the Cooking Channel. Daily. :)

Dang, you're a lot brighter that the Philip J. I usually listen to.

While I agree with your point of riding and letting others ride what they want, the price point in my view deserves the Mixie some of this here derision.

Quite a desperate measure, unless they actually enjoy the color. I see more bikes uglified by sloppy black paint, or wrapped in tape. Would just as soon go with that first.

Well, my apologies for the above rambling.

'cept they tend not to stick here.

This is messed up in so many different ways. Arab Spring is a joke. a propaganda joke at that.

Sounds like an awesome trip to a beautiful place. (catch and release i could never do, I'd eat all the trout i could catch.)

To add, not so long ago, but before you kiddies started relying on your gadgets doing ALL your work for you, we actually had to figure out the shutter speed/aperture combo, then develop our film and print it on photo paper. You ever heard of chemicals?

Never said it was, did I? Derivative does not equal plain theft. That argument is tired. Stop making crap art is all I said, sorry, and spacegod photo illustrates it nicely.

Ah, I think at this point your requirements border on the professional level type gear, which tips the budget into the multiple thousands. Afraid I'm not much help here, either.


Sam, car tires are not humble. Without them your car would not be able to ride, so they're pretty fricking paramount. That said, this art is crap. It does not create, it recycles from a form created bu someone else.

Unfortunately I can claim no expertise at all when it comes to RC flying, ruined both a heli and a gyro due to my allthumbsitis. If you're upgrading from 808-style, Flip/Playsport cams though, take a close look at Hero, Contour and maybe even Canon Powershot G and S lineups.