
Bus, not plane or subway in my case, but really can't stand the open air folks.

Wow, you didn't bore ME to death, thanks for a useful and detailed breakdown. On a side note though, 2nd hand headphones are akin to sharing socks with your roomie, but that's just me being squeamish.

sound racist much? :)

Thank you for a chuckle. Also, Sony MDR-7506. Same sound quality, 1/6 the price. Granted, to me, the Grado design appeals more.

What does it have to do with the plane being old? It was a stunt show and pilots took unnecessary risks.

Never touched this digicam, but from my experience of owning a film version of this cam (which was an identical body), it was a solid brick, slim, but not light. I doubt that you'd find it suitable for RC applications. Are you currently using a Hero?

Nice shot, TC, now to open up those shadows a bit. Caught anything, btw?

Ron, not to be a boring nag here, but FMs, FMs, PC-only. Get them, enjoy them. But not on an XBox.

Touche, good sir. Being of little use to the engineering crowd, i did not think of it.

It;s probably an awesome clip, but the shittiest video-hosting service around won't let me find out. Thanks, Vimeo!

Ever thought it could be the sixth bottle? :)

If you drink Bud Light, you're already a little bitch, no?

Quite trippy, and not at all what i expected. How did the extra weight on the blade not impact stability though?

Hmm ... you sound like every bad comedian on a certain network. enjoy your 24 babies.

Sam, Brian, thanks, this was hilarious.

Foursquare stalker much?

why bother, you can just read about it in your rss stream. takes 1 millisecond.

Somewhat ironically, i would like to petition the instagrammers to stop cheating at photography.

Canon S95 is about $350 and except for its lack of viewfinder it's great.

They are touted as photographers' cameras because of very good out-of-camera image quality, amount of manual control settings and RAW file option. Like any other point-and-shoot they have beginner-friendly program and automatic modes, so you need not be a photographer. Obviously Ricoh is limited by its single focal