“This, at long last, is the FINAL UPDATE for this thing we have called the Double Fine Adventure,” designer Tim…
“This, at long last, is the FINAL UPDATE for this thing we have called the Double Fine Adventure,” designer Tim…
That woman with the hair. Her pussy is basically out. Does Poke-Magic explain how her pants stay up? Because what you see ... isn’t always the truth.
Silicon Knights, Rare & these guys all had something in common....Nintendo. Although this is their first game and I may be jumping the gun a bit, not one of them held up to their former glory after they left. What does that tell you? I won’t subscribe to any argument that most of Rare developers left. They put forth…
It’s Steven Universe meets Adventure Time meets The Amazing World of Gumball meets The Regular Show meets Clarence…
This online outcry is bullshit. The “biggest fans” aren’t turning against it. The online community hivemind is throwing a fit as usual. Outside the internet echo chamber, plenty of people are just shrugging off the game’s growing pains and are happy to be out playing pokemon with other people.
No, stop. It’s just too much at this point, Kojima’s become completely self absorbed at this point. I don’t know why, but this is what finally pushed my past the tipping point of being flat out annoyed with Kojima’s antics and general self absorption.
If you don’t know 18-year-old Koyama Miki (小山美姫), you’re far from alone, but it’s definitely ignorance you should…
This whole thing is frankly a bunch of kids who aren’t informed enough about actual recent American history but who are overly informed about the very recent and obscure history of GamerGate.
Someone in a comments section anytime Nintendo does anything says “why doesn’t Nintendo go third party and make games for [ insert whatever console said person owns ] instead of their own hardware?” Because A) they have a metric ton of cash and can do whatever the fuck they want, and B) having their own hardware…
As a parent now and watching the Sony Press conference where every game is “Small Penis Compensator: The Game” or “I Wish I was Making a Movie instead of Game: The Game”, I’m glad Nintendo is still there to provide family friendly entertainment. Like Disney, where it can be enjoyed by anyone at any age. It doesn’t…
Could we just let PM die already? It's just a mod from people who kept on bitching and whining about how much Brawl wasn't like Melee. If you want to play Melee, go play Melee. If you don't like Brawl but want to be involved in the competitive scene, play Smash 4. Stop trying to pretend that PM getting killed off is…