
Agreed - awesome to watch his career evolution over the years to the leading man role he so rightly deserves. Check out Mr. Show on YouTube - hilarious sketches in the vein of Monty Python..and major Bob eye-candy. He and David Cross were so much younger- you will not he disappointed!

I'm kinda looking forward to seeing Hunnam be an Englishman again and not have to murder an American accent on a regular basis - curious to see how he does with 'King Arthur' in Guy Ritchie's relatively capable hands.

Worried pike faces!!! *Dies*


Agreed. Often wonder if Katey, Drea & especially CCH (who had some of the worst dialogue written) had to hold their noses before uttering that tripe. He's got a knack for casting powerhouse actresses, figuring out how to sustain it? Not so much.

Nope. One of my biggest gripes about this season was how quickly Tara became a footnote. I skipped the Aftershow- but it figures she'd be left out.

Indulgent and hokey as fuck but were we truly expecting anything different from KS? The biggest surprise for me (other than the glorious reveal of T.O's government name) was that Nero's happily ever after on that big Norco farm wasn't a euphemism after all. Tig and Venus endure, which was nice. I guess Brooke's

Toddarious?! Who knew?