Pixie Sticks

anti-clinton bias that the press and media have? hahahahahahahahaah oh my sides

Interesting story - not sure why the new owner wanted to keep the old logos...but it seems if a company wanted to protect their logo badly enough, they should simply paint over it themselves.

I never understood you, “there’s a time and place..” type people who draw such arbitrary, well defined, parameters around every activity.

Of course we need feminism. We need to fight serious issues like manspreading and sexist airconditioning.

There is a big difference between affordable street gear and high end race gear. I didn’t realize the Icon jacket at my local P&A store was supposed to be high end race gear.

In the meanwhile, Yusuf was going to the market...

Hahahaha no, he is not.

As per the director, the “origin” of “Bye Felicia” as depicted in the film is entirely fictitious and that scene, one in which a woman is sexually humiliated, is intended to be comic relief. Nothing in the world could make me go see this garbage.

There was no public humiliation of the kids. It was calling out contemporary society and its indulgence and for breeding entitlism.

I started playing hockey when I was 6 and I always hated getting participation trophies. I knew exactly what it meant.

its not humiliatio, his kids thought the trophies were bullshit too. If that dude is you dad , your not a lil pussy. They showed him this and this is his reaction and theirs.

No, assholes like you demanding the blood sacrifice of the weak does that.

He’s not humiliating them. He’s attempting to humiliate the boobs who gave them the trophies.

Giving a last place kid a trophy for showing up is a form of public humiliation.

The demand will always be there, it just means that clients with nothing to lose will most likely hurt or kill a sex worker. It also means full service sex workers will have to work more for less money.

Rutherford’s attorney “says the New York judge was ‘perplexed’ that California forfeited jurisdiction over the case and that the legal system has ‘caused profound and irreparable harm to Kelly’s children.’”

Kelly created the entire mess when she lied to deport her ex. She seems nuts and acts like Monaco and France are some dangerous developing countries that are keeping her American citizen children away from her when she can go there as much as she wants.

If the rumours of her lying about him to the state department so he had his visa revoked I have no sympathy for her to be honest.

Thanks for apologising and for clarifying your point in your response to rcb2. It’s reassuring to know there is still civil discussion to be had online. :-)