Can’t speak to the other allegations, but multiple people say that Stoya has a history of making false claims in this vein. Apparently she was also threatening him with this if he broke up with her, as well as threats of suicide.
Can’t speak to the other allegations, but multiple people say that Stoya has a history of making false claims in this vein. Apparently she was also threatening him with this if he broke up with her, as well as threats of suicide.
The NSA said the Russians interfered by leaking the DNC e-mails. There’s been no substantive accusations that they interfered by hacking voting machines or otherwise altering vote counts.
I remember a particular scandal in which liberals and moderates stayed home or voted third party.
Oh for fuck’s sake it is not. A week ago every single person would have said that they’re in the tank for Hillary.
Popular music is part of everyone’s culture. So nothing is being appropriated. I dislike Meghan Trainor but she grew up heavily exposed to music made by both white and black people. That’s her culture.
That’s what I’m saying. Jalopnik isn’t the real Gawker.
Hi there! You’re free — use your powers for good.
There is a book, sorry I do not remember its name right now, that is the diary of a plantaion owner. The term “banaility of evil” was coined just for this book I think. At one point he is detailing a discussion held at the local slaver owners club as to which was better, whipping or paddling disobiant slaves. Paddling…
Absolutely. My family’s records include many wills and death records. What is especially upsetting is how the slaves are treated in the wills as property to be left to their owners’ children, thus continuing the terrible practice yet another generation. In one will, my ancestor acknowledges a slave family and, in the…
God. Literally sounds like an ad for a farm animal. That’s so sickening
I didn’t know Land Rover dealerships had beaches.
Okay, I know this shouldn't be the thing to be most angry about, but it might be the thing that pisses me off the most.
Absolutely. I hate everything Cruz stands for, and he has the integrity of a 2-year old, but there is no reason to do this.
Probably because you’re racist.
Why are you guys using a picture of a black guy for this story?
Prof. Brigham is at least partially right. That email and the person who sent it along are garbage. Don’t let them win. Let them stew in their own emotional and intellectual excrement. But if that’s what he was thinking, he should’ve probably been clear about it. His response to questions was cold.
The text at the top doesn’t follow from the quote at the bottom. The American Right looks crazy enough as it is; we don’t need to twist their words. Just makes us look stupid in the process.
Pretending to be a victim must be exhausting.
Awesome. This is the only way to fight the feminist-industrial complex. They must be held accountable for their lies.