Pixie Sticks

So, it follows they should advertise to the women, not the men. The assumption is sexist in layered ways: not only is it only women who want kitchens, but only men who spend money on them (because women can't buy their own kitchens). And only married people that buy kitchens.

Pretty much everybody is appalled by the verdict.

Damn, I thought I had this in the bag but you win!

ive always just used soap. My teenage sister went to a dermatologist and he told her that if you don't have problem skin just stick to dove soap.

Ivory soap + skincare/makeup samples torn out of old issues of Allure = my go-to look

Flannel never really left you. When you saw only one set of footprints, that was when flannel carried you.

one-third of the growth in women's employment was in low wage sectors—not "most."

this, pixie sticks, is some good-ass kinja.

Solution: avoid Virginia at all costs.

I know that the original video was problematic due to editing and location but its still representative of what women go through regardless of race and age. It really rubs me the wrong way to see it made fun of in the above video. The words may seem harmless to men but when that depending on the time and place, it

Because engaging with society as-it-is is far tougher than splitting them into a black and white 50/50. Because white women are too afraid of being called racist, so we don't actually explore the culture in those specific (and importantly separate from other communities) contexts . We lack the maturity, as a society,

I did say a strange excuse.

This is clearly the greatest irish exit of all time

I don't care if a guy is jerking in his car as long as he doesn't fake ask me for directions.

she acted like a spoiled little brat and threw the race card out, which is not ok. There are people who actually have been unfairly targeted by the police because they are black and this is not what happened to her. She fucked her boyfriend in broad daylight, in a car and someone called it in and she got caught. If

I'm no big fan of law enforcement, but she was an asshole on this tape, and we all know it. It made me embarrassed for her. Such a hostile caricature. She's doing people of color no great service.

Fair point - I realized my mistake and clarified it in a reply. I'm just so frustrated with my state in general that sometimes I type too quickly for my brain.

No, Hunter was deeply full of crap. The "Christian Jihad" trope is an invention of western Lefties who want to feel better about themselves.

"On one night, an entire nation went to bed, unaware that the next morning, their world would be changed forever."

I wonder how many feminists have had rape fantasies involving this #hawtfelon.