
15 minutes seems to be the max on Pokevision (it’s a map tool that uses Niantic’s API to tell you where things are spawning). I’ve seen something spawn for as little as 2 minutes on PV, but PV doesn’t catch everything, so it could have been there longer and just shown up on PV when I moved my marker or whatever.

This is earwax related. Both of our cats and every cat I’ve ever met goes crazy over it.

Pretty sure the big ones (Google, Apple) are too big to fail. Their annual revenue is considerably above what we considered too big to fail in 2007/8/9.

And employees deeply in debt to the company store when they couldn’t afford the high prices there but couldn’t afford to go into the city to shop for better deals.

Waist trainers are a specific subset of corsets. Typically they denote a modern underbust corset that has been reinforced for use in body shaping (as opposed to a more cheaply constructed underbust corset where the stays would become mis-shapen and ruin the corset if you tried to use it for actual body shaping). They

Deadly animals known to live in the state and area can travel into the water without anyone realizing it. I grew up in southern Louisiana and alligator in your neighbor’s swimming pool was a whole thing. It’s tragic, but southern Florida is famous for its gators and, as wild animals, you can’t stop them from moving

You can’t even enjoy that much space. Our last apartment had 1400 sq ft and we “downgraded” because we moved to a more expensive city but also because we didn’t even use 1400 sq ft. You cannot convince me, in any way, that he makes actual, good, legitimate use of that space.

You are right about this, wrong about animals.

Lifelike bronze statue? Sounds like a good way to get arrested for panhandling.

When we dropped a bunch of stuff off for repairs at the jewelers, our jeweler took the time to go through every piece with us. There was only one valuable/switchable piece and for that one, they showed us how to tell that it was our diamond exactly that came back. (I like how I’m saying “our” like I’m a partial owner

This. So this.

When I was in first grade, a friend of mine had to make a choice: olympian hopeful or having friends. Seriously, at six years old they were like now is the time you must choose. (She chose friends — I moved when I was 8 and I always kind of wonder if she ever regrets that.)

Briefly extremely excited that their fake van appeared to be an Aperture Science van. Disappointed upon rewatch. Going to pretend it was an Aperture Science van.

I really liked him, but it was the end of the night, we were a foot deep in snow, and my bus was coming. The next bus wouldn’t have been for over twenty minutes in the literal, still falling snow. So I ran like hell for that bus. And made it. And realized I forgot to: say goodnight, kiss the boy, do anything that made

Are you in Rogers Park? I only ask because nice but kind of shooty is literally how I’ve described it before.