
You don’t talk with that language in our chat. AIDS and cancer don’t exist as words you use to dunk on Capcom. Even if fight money is garbage.

Everything about how they treated Sam indicates that Marvel never really wanted a black Captain America. They were willing to run with the idea for the expected sales boost, and while sales didn’t go down, they didn’t skyrocket either, and as soon as that was clear Marvel began treating Sam like a b-lister. Steve

More or less this.

While the cost of ports is not inconsiderable, the fact is that if there’s a significant market for emulation on a given platform (like PC), it stands to reason that there is significant profit to be made in porting the software in question to that platform.

There may be other obstacles to porting

Atlus could solve this problem by porting it to PC, switch and or Xbox. Don’t give consumers an easy out for piracy. I love emulators btw, but playing new games on them doesn’t feel right.

I played the game for the first time last year, and enjoyed it. But I really disliked how the cards were random drops from enemies. I got unlucky and went most of the game with I think 3 or 4 cards total, despite being fairly meticulous about killing enemies as I came across them. Eventually the game got hard enough

nope. it was crap. jump arcs were painfully narrow, it was too easy getting touched by enemies while running before you could react, rarely any save rooms, rarely any dropped potions, dying at a boss was painful because you had to redo whole sections before getting to said boss again.

Someone else said it much better than I.

Thank you for an objective, neutral tutorial, rather than the pearl clutching/pending doom/WORST SHOW EVER! that’s been the hallmark of io9's coverage of this show to date.

I really like the show, but its fandom is one of the worst I’ve ever seen. A bunch of people seem to think that the show endorses Rick’s behavior and philosophy and...no, it realllllly doesn’t.

Are they still temporary and when they’re done you have to buy them with the real money currency?

This is gold. Fuck bigots.

Fucking moron.

I would like to remind everyone that Nick Robinson’s firing was not a violation of his free speech. Private businesses like Polygon have the right to fire people for doing horrible shit like this.

Try not to use the word Savage or Savagery when describing indigenous people.

I think I’ll skip Orville, because it looks like EVERY other show MacFarlane makes: Schlubs acting sexist, women that are shrews & plenty of gay panic jokes.

Attraction doesn’t occur in a vacuum. Once upon a time, not so long ago, it was the societal norm to be more into fat women than thin women. The class/body shape flip happened, and now we think the opposite. There’s no way attraction isn’t shaped by its cultural context. That is worth thinking about.

@crusifer: And yet they are a thriving, progressive society. Yes, their language is strange to us, but imagine how strange and impractical English must seem to them.