Pixiestix of many names

About a decade ago, the producers of TRH came sniffing out the scene in Philadelphia and one of them contacted my mother. She was enraged at that simple fact. “People with breeding do not do that sort of thing”, was what she told me. The DuPonts, the Dorrances, the Annenbergs and the like are above it. Not because

I have a Facebook friend who, since 2009: met, bought a house, married, divorced and sold house with guy 1 / met, got engaged to, became step mother of his children and broke up with guy 2 / met, got engaged to, broke up with guy 3 / met, moved in with, bought a car with and is still with guy 4. She is a constant

(I’ve told this story here a couple of times so I’m sorry if it’s a repeat) We got married at my grandparents assisted living facility about 4 years after he died. They were my dad’s parent and in their 90’s, so we mostly did it for them. My grandfather pulled dandilyn aside and told him that my father would have been

Mostly in a joking way, and it could be awkward. I’m not suggesting that I used it as a test, but the guy who was gracious about it won points. My sister’s husband jokes that they got married just so he could get into a collage.

Some people are just oblivious. My x-husband left me for another woman, who he married less than two months after our divorce papers cleared with the courts. MARRIED. Legally.

I love HOLY SHIT jackpots so much. My current one is an Instagram jackpot of watching one of my old friends slowly become a crust punk and an even WORSE drug addict. It's really sad to see but at the same time me and my friends who knew her are morbidly fascinated mostly because we always knew something like this was

Right? Sometimes when you go snooping on FB you hit the HOLY SHIT jackpot.

I’m guessing the people taking this stand are also the ones who insist it’s mean not to be friends with your exes, even the shitty ones or the ones you have no real reason to talk to.

My friend did a version of this where she left up an album of her and her ex but used MS paint to draw over him in each one. It’s great. And there is a pic of her making out with a giant MS Paint banana, so win for everyone really.

When I broke up with the love of my life, I went through all our pictures from travelling and photoshopped him out of them. It was cathartic and I don’t regret it. Plus now I look like I went on holiday with an invisible man and it’s hilarious.