
Even the way he hydrates makes my underwear evaporate...

Can we all agree this is a gorgeous man?! He should be the sexiest man! :-)

Oh and if we're talking better men....


So glad you had a photo of my boyfriend on the side, Idris Elba, at the top of the list. As soon as I started to read this, he was the first name who came to mind as actual sexiest man alive. (Sorry, Mr. Seal.)

Your love of Alan Alda is as hilarious as it is unexpected.

They might as well just make it a feature-length porno. At this point, that's the one surefire way to make the movie a success.

I want all young girls to be really body-positive and not ashamed that they have their periods. I am not sure this t-shirt is a step in the right direction? Feels very cartoonish, and seems to be more about the 'shock' factor of "OMG THERE IS A VAGINA BLEEDING WHOA" than about promoting the idea that this is a normal

There's only one period shirt that I'll ever consider wearing:

Chris Brown has a singular talent for making it impossible to sympathize with him even if he’s recounting a vaguely traumatic incident from his childhood. You know, like that time he lost his virginity to teenage girl. When he was eight.

"I do however hope this doesn't turn into bashing black women who wear there hair straight. Let's remember that they aren't trying to make a statement either."

Hooray! Now I'm trendy instead of just lazy.

As relates to Black natural hair, it's more about not chemically changing the texture of one's hair with a relaxer or "covering up" one's hair with weaves. It does not mean that one is now "wash and go", necessarily. I spend more time on my hair now that it's natural than I did when it was relaxed. And just about the

I miss OLD SVU.

This will probably be identified by anyone who knew me in high school, but I will change names to protect the innocent.

My first celebrity crush was on Tony Slattery, of "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" fame. I was kind of a weird kid.

This is really sweet, but... my first thought was "Man, how many batshit crazy people are going to read this, decide it's the most romantic thing ever, and then silently seethe with resentment and passive-aggressive hostility as each day passes and their clueless S.O. fails to throw them their dream Pinterest wedding

Nick Brandt's best friend is his mother.