
I think staying in for this long has probably done a lot more good for party unity than dropping out, tbqh. The fact is that Sanders’ only hope has been “flip the superdelegates” for quite some time, even if it wasn’t until more recently that it was literally mathematically impossible for him to win without them

He was cheapening his campaign when he started to do hypocritical things like talking about flipping superdelegates and riling people up about the system being rigged. He’s actually injecting value back into his campaign by using his status as a continuing candidate to a) allow the disenfranchised citizens of DC to

Can you imagine if the founding fathers had twitter? Adams would have a meltdown every other week. Jefferson would quit every other week with like “I just want to focus on what’s really important. All love, y’all, but I’m tired of it all” and then come back two days later as though nothing had happened. All of

I just read this aloud to mr freaktrick it made me giggle so much

“Probably cause you’re black.”

“But officer, you can’t just search my car! I have 4th amendment rights!” “Look, we have probably cause.”

Right up there w for all intensive porpoises

...saying there was no probably cause...

Inside sources tell me it happened because Calvin Harris was hideously disfigured in the car crash and Tay couldn’t deal.

“It’s very rare that someone is involved in a homicide case with someone they just had a baby with. It’s very early to make a conclusion as to what the cause, intent, motive and facts were to this unfortunate tragedy.”

I came here for this =)

I think those two are one and the same.

Thankfully there weren’t any gorillas in zootopia

No rape involved, but when I was 17, I got my also 17 girlfriend pregnant. Being two immature teens, we decided to marry, because “love trumps everything” and all that bullshit, even AGAINST the will of our parents! I got a court order (because we’re minors) and, long story short, two years later we’re divorced

Her parents conceived and married in High School themselves. Probably seemed normal. I agree it’s disgusting.

Pastor. Probably prestigious in their community, wanted to marry kid off to Godly man before she “wasted herself” on some age appropriate paramour.

Its either Missouri or another state with low marriage age that had a steady flow of FLDS creeps marrying their early teen daughters to Prophet Warren Jeffs and his band of crusty, dusty child rapists.

This bothers me.

Now playing

I’m starting a petition to change the American national anthem to this: