
As part of proper open relationship etiquette, Hockey and Bigelow make sure that all of their prospective partners are in good health before getting more intimate with them:

I feel like stories like that tend to end up with the woman being taken hostage, then quartered as the dude tries to build a perfect doll from woman parts... but I'm glad this time, it ended in true love.

Ah but then I shant have time for my Buffy, Daenerys, and Harley Quinn cosplays. PRIORITIES.

if i looked at all like tinkerbell i would only dress like tinkerbell and then when people were like why are you dressed like tinkerbell i would be like UH DO YOU SEE HOW FUCKING CUTE I LOOK?

"I'll take... two meats," she says finally.

Lets keep this civil and not mock this man for his physical disability, mkay?

This whole 'real name' issue is moronic on both sides.


Wow, I can't tell you how much I relate to this... and I am a man. My mother is still a fucking twig. And actually I am quite thin, too. She's a mean judgmental person when it comes to weight. And around my house, growing up, all "bad" things were brought back to weight: Didn't get good grades? "Maybe you should spend

At any rate, it was fairly obvious that they had no Emma Watson nudes. Otherwise they would've posted them immediately to humiliate her and divert attention from her message.
Posting a countdown would've been effective if they'd been trying to get her to do something, which they weren't, since she wasn't going to

Or 4chan staged a hoax about a hoax to bring down 4chan in order to engender sympathy for 4chan and, of course, for the lulz of hoaxing people into sympathizing with 4chan.

I'm really confused. So confused that I'm actually struggling to articulate my confusion succinctly... So if people wanted to see the pics, they clicked on and were redirected to a site opposed to 4chan and its previous nude pics? Aren't all the people seeing that site gonna be pro 4chan and picture leaking? How will

But we do all remember that they/reddit actually just did this to dozens of other women in the past weeks, right?

Poor Bruce. Don't kid yourselves into thinking he'll ever really be free.

You've completely misunderstood their facial expressions. Here's what's really going on...

You're gonna put that where?

"We had two bags of gysahl greens, seventy-five pieces of phoenix down, five hi-powered elixirs, a saltshaker half-full of smelling salts, and a whole galaxy of multi-colored hypers, tranquilizers, eye drops, echo screens... Also, a quart of remedy, a quart of holy water, a case of potions, a pint of raw ether, and