
While we're on the topic of Sony Fraternal Fighters, why is Solid Snake in Nintendo Smash Brothers? Metal Gear (solid) wasn't ever on a Ninty console, just Sony ones, right?

I like the part where you guys say it's either free or $100. I'd buy it for that price, two even (for the GF as well).

I can get by with 16 GB on my phone, no problems. I actually have about 4, and that's including the microSD. You just gotta stop wanting to bring -all- your media along everywhere. I've got over 100 geebees of music, 300 in movies, and 250 in series. That's just not gonna happen for half a decade or so. And I accept

I propose we repurpose this day to international videogames day. Unless someone has a better date for that?

Then again, heels.

You know what'll work with being frugal? Having a smaller fridge and less cans in it.


"Lady cat characters, even (Khajit)."

Angry Birds would probably be more fitting, but yes. Start them out with simple games.

Gotta say, that's a cool feature. Seriously.

Big family.

Europe speaking here, never seen Thin Mints up until now. But have known After Eights since I was a kid.

As far as I know, posting dropbox links is a bannable offense on Lifehacker, so you may want to quit that.


I think you're confusing "real man" with "stupid beer drinking frat bro".

You're full of shit and you know it.

I dunno man. I've played TF2 on a couple of occasions but not a whole lot, always using the standard gear and (almost?) always in the top 3 of my team.


Now playing

I've mentioned DFGBT window manager a fair few times now.

This one's really awesome, reminds me of Magritte.