
Actually, under 18 are disallowed to possess handguns, except specific cases. They can possess long guns, but not handguns. Federal law has no minimum age for long gun possession, but there are 21 states that do, and all are at least age 14. Georgia isn't among them though.


Mid 2011 there were over 100.000 UO players that weren't in a guild. But that's irrelevant. It should not matter how many people are still playing a singleplayer game like SimCity to keep the servers online. Any of those players should be capable of playing.

"I'm sure they'll change it"

Yeah in other words you have to do so unless you already did so.

A secondhand minivan vs a secondhand sedan? Yes. Vs a new sedan... maybe not so much. About 1/3rd or so of the total carbon footprint of a car comes from the manufacturing of it. So if you ride down a minivan until its dead, it might be more eco-friendly than a new car - even if it uses more gasoline

They're so resourceful, buying secondhand clothing and cars. Nobody else ever does that.

So two is a lot?

Is this so special? I can't think of any game that's been dubbed in Dutch.

If I sell a movie, they don't disable the ending. If I sell a music album, it doesn't remove the last 2 tracks. Disabling content in a game is effing bullshit.

The cake is a-fly!

Gun laws say it doesn't.

"A gun that is rated L for Lethal, probably doesn't belong in the hands of a 12 year old"

Took the time to look at the attack again, saw only 2 unimportant people being attacked, both white. The guy could have a pinch of Mexican in him or something, but the woman is pretty Caucasian. Haven't looked at the burials episode yet.

Changing a character's skintone can be quite an issue. Whether from white to black or black to white or any other racial combination. These characters were explecitly called dark-skinned in the books - so they should be black in the movies.

It doesn't, but it does. I'm not invested in the whole series at all, so I don't mind either way, but I can get why people don't like the idea of Donald Glover Spidey.

He also doesn't talk to the white man in the building. The reason he's talking to the white woman is because he's substituting her as his daughter. Are you looking for racism where there is none?

That little girl in the lower left is Tiana, so she is a little kid.

I'm not just talking about a day. I'm talking about being shut off like [kotaku.com] eleven other games recently were. Permanently. Why does a sinlge-player game need to be connected to the internet?