How's SPDY with regards to stability and error-proofing? I'm more worried about that than about speeds, honestly.
How's SPDY with regards to stability and error-proofing? I'm more worried about that than about speeds, honestly.
I'm sure dirty environments can also be achieved... I just don't exactly know how yet. But I do know it'll make for a nice project.
I'd love to play with the elephant. They seem pretty cool creatures.
If you're using less textures, you can make them a higher resolution and make them more detailed. Inversely, if you texture everything uniquely, it'll be more blurry - take a look at RAGE.
"the guy admits using some these exact same techniques wouldn't work in an actual"
No, that texture is the only one in the scene. Well, there are lightmaps too, but you can't really help that.
I'm fairly sure he doesn't mind the flats being shown.
The trick is to split the textures into channels. That gives you 4x 256x512 to work with - it's RGBA.
Because you can't really see anything on the bottom of the ocean?
Yes, and more people should be like you, but some will be asshats regardless of regulations.
Except that it's not a clone. If you hit the aliens, they split (hence the name) in two smaller ones.
Looks more like painted metal to me.
Swipe across the screen.
Nothing wrong with MSN. And in fact, my Hotmail account is a bit more reliable than my Gmail which has the annoying habit of tossing legit email from my girlfriend, webhost, bank, and even google themselves into the spam folder.
No, we should be mad at him because he's breaking the rules, I think.