
If you think this is what a vagina looks like, either you or your partner desperately needs a doctors visit.

Just toss a human clown in the ocean.

I'd say Venus Fly Trap, but yeah - not Popcorn.

Because it's only white people that do this, right?

Well, not dieing is survival, but yeah I feel you. Borderlands was about as much about gathering ammo as Dead Space was. (well, unless you have Roland and his awesome supply-turret)

That's incredibly boxy, dude. It looks more like a land rover now.

Gundam one is definitely the weirdest looking.

Agreed on this. Many box releases nowadays are pretty meh. Remarkable is that indie games tend to be much nicer in this respect.

15 hours at a sticker price of $60 is still only $4 per hour. That's as cheap as or cheaper than (depending on location) going to the movies. Do you go ever to the movies?

Back in the day when developers needed character models, they had an artist pour in 25 hours of work. These days, they're sometimes lucky to stay under 100.

The market is still growing, if that's what you're asking. And it will continue to grow (though in smaller increments) for the next few decades, when the first generation (1980's gamers, born in the 70's) starts to grow old and die.

How exactly is second-hand + crack more logical to than piracy, if you don't want to fund the publisher?

Not to be a stifler, but Morrowind isn't exactly a timely example. Many people back then didn't even have internet, let alone have DSL or play online games.

Um. No. I agree with bakagajin on this. Books are made with comparatively little effort, much fewer persons and hours involved. A better comparison would be a movie, which has many people working on it.

While I don't agree on the $60 price point being great, I can live with it. People that think it's too expensive should just have some patience and wait two months till a game drops to half its price. YOU get to keep the game and the DEVS get to make money on every player. The only one not benefitting as much are the

That's the right way to do it. I personally haven't sold a game in my life, have hundreds of games, I pre-order select titles (most recent: Portal 2), and still only spent about $750 in my lifetime. (just the games, not the devices)

"Pre-owned has really killed games-that-people-don't-care-enough-about-to-keep-around." -Pixelsnader, commenter at Kotaku.

It's so sad, it's funny again.

Keep it, hoard it, find it later and replay your memories for a bit. Much nicer than having maybe $25 in trade-in credit.