
Get back to work! :)

Good eye! My bet is @firstround.com.

You're right. He can't fool us. I remember that picture is of earthquake damage. Nice try!


If I'm understanding him, I think he wants them sorted in an ascending or descending order based on size (area(?)) instead of just buckets of "Large", "Medium", "Icon", etc. But then even the most irrelevant result would return first if it were the largest. And in the case of "Medium" and smaller, the results would be

Type "motorola w755 manual" into google and download the user's guide. The "messages" section starts on page 65.

But perception of value CAN translate to value itself. Think about it in terms of an auction. If several people overvalue a work of art by several million dollars, and if they are willing to purchase the work at the "inflated" value, the exchange is sufficient to define its value in terms of its demand.

Sundotra -> Gundotra in various places.

This. Thank you. Blaming Google is nonsense. If anything, people need to expect the prying eyes of Google. If they don't want something available on Google, they need to do their jobs.

titian -> titan?

Love the evolution of flight on the engine. Nice touch with the addition of Daedalus. I'm assuming it's not Icarus b/c that would just be inviting bad luck. And this thing is suborbital. After all, stay away from the sun!

@MrPistachio: Makes some sense. Mr. Pistachio, meet Ms. Mustachio.

@pixelsnader: What non-mobile browsers don't support flash?

@pixelsnader: Why Firefox 4 won’t score 100 on Acid3

@thefence: Plus, he made the statements on Twitter! Stretch, i know.

Carry my Utili-Key everyday.

That's okay, I'll pass. The more hair I lose, the more head I get.

@Kaiser-Machead: You'll be the sucker if tomorrow's turkey sandwich ends up being buggy.