
@budboyy2k: Got there first. I missed it. Great minds...!

@szrimaging: I have the Kindle 3 and you don't always want to see lines of code wrapping. With the touch screen of the new nook though, it might be nice to have the main text wrap while being able to scroll left and right for non-wrapped code text.

@szrimaging: Formatting can be an issue with books like those.

@acidrain69: Wasn't that the point? A man fishing?

@klyph: You missed one on the left. Probably still won't work though.

@Homer Berkowitz: Why not put you in the coffin, cover you with dirt, put the lid on and then put you in the ground?

This is a cool concept but I would worry about losing the removable pads. I could have used one of these last night; it's getting cold in Boston. Although it won't help when you can't control when the heat comes on.

Somewhere underneath New York City, in an abandoned subway station that was never [completed]

This is the coolest one I've seen. Btw, thanks for sharing, Kat!

His explanation of why the two girls who perpetrated the hoax disagreed on the authenticity of the last fairy photo was a really great insight. Being double exposed, one of the girls admitted that the photo was faked while the other claimed it was authentic because they both believed (and rightly) that they were the

Significant advancement? It looks like it barely puts a dent in beer can technology.

Cliff, do you think Microsoft took your scapegoat approach and consciously turned it on its head and made Clippy the scapegoat to bond the company itself with its users?

Cliff, do you think Microsoft took your scapegoat approach and consciously turned it on its head and made Clippy the scapegoat to bond the company itself with its users?