
Expensive but worth it, It’s like owning a car for 10 years. It does what it needs to for a very long time and you can adjust as you go if you want to. My first computer I saved up for working part time for my mom when I was 12, I saved $2000 and bought an alienware when dell didn’t own them. 6 months later I

I think I’m more disturbed that 2 obvious sociopaths (Paul brothers) are the center of attention for millions of children that also make them millionaires. If these 2 brothers were on the opposite side of the spectrum with success I’m confident they would be criminals.

I’m aware, thats specifically why I said “$60 for new comers”, reading comprehension mate. That’s your opinion and I have mine, so stop your whining. Damn Kotaku boards are cancer, can’t say a damn thing without pussy’s coming out of the woodwork to cry foul.

Yeah.... that’s why I said “$60 for newcomers” and most will disagree, but to each their own.

I’m fully aware they made the series and modders have outpaced them at every turn using their own system. They finally go back to do similar and its mediocre at best and overpriced. I have played all to FO4 and will happily move away from this franchise. Its the same cake everytime just a little better frosting.

Didn’t say anywhere that they did so...... what are you on about?

Lol pan to Bethesda “Heres a 64bit version with small visual improvements for $60 for newcomers, youre welcome”. ESVI? No thanks, new developer please.

Duh, anyone who was “trolled” is an idiot and should not breed. People are stupid, thats how you make millions you play to their stupidity both fans and media alike. Everyone would do the same shit for millions a year at that age, off your high horses you hypocrites.

Uh no, a big fat no.

Society is funny and by funny I mean fucking retarded. Most people dream of pulling ahead of the pack, making enough money to not have to think about bills all while doing what we love with the respect or admiration of our peers. Yet when that does happen we immediately tear them down for the weakest reasons. Lesson

Weird, I just watched the GameGrumps play with a Nintendo World Series cartridge yesterday.

That would require actual creativity and insight which these repeat articles about fanservice and others that are sort of sorta not really about feminism? don’t have. Yeah its nice to discuss and debate topics but lets not pretend these articles have any substance, it’s just buzz words, name drops and pictures to stir

Lets not sit and ignore a bigger problem than peoples genre preferences which can effect week one game sales. Shitty half ass AAA titles needing patches, fixes and in NMS’s case 90% game content missing the first week of sale. Gamers globally are weary and physically ill to the thought of “world changing best evar!”

Gaijins “rabble rabble rabble what I want rabble what I like rabble rabble”

By your failed logic click bait is newsworthy. The public doesn’t decide anything, the public is dumb and easily lead.

Nah, its not and it doesnt.

Those are some cringeworthy youtubers, yeeeesh.

Wow this experiment has failed twice now. “Fashion experts” riiiiiiiight and I own the moon. Just title it correctly “basic bitches attempt comedic one liners off of game clothing”. I was hoping for some actual idk critiques?

The fuck is this garbage? That is quite a long winding rabbit hole you went down just so you could type the word “games” to somehow justify slapping this bait on a gaming website for clicks.

lol “news worthy”, literal train wrecks are news worthy. This is nothing but a successful marketing scam without an apology or even acknowledgement of any kind. This wasnt even a “we just couldnt get those things done in time” it was literally “oh yeah all that will be there day one for sure!” and it wasnt or even