
Wizzy, named after Woz’s incontinent twin brother. 

So, that’s rad that your Teta lived life to the fullest, no fucks and then was fortunate to just die in her sleep. BUT that isn’t the point that is being made in the article. The problem with the article is that Carine indicates:

OK, now It’s not fair to compare ANYONE to Angela Bassett. Come on now. She’s actually aging in reverse.

You don’t want to have to get your debit card out of your wallet like a peasant?

Ha! Well, here’s what it looks like on my floor if we have any truthers out there...

I can only hope.

I’ve been around manatees, the only thing they are jumping is up to the seagrass buffet table.

If it was on a more serious hero like Superman or Batman, it would indeed look ridiculous. But since he’s supposed to be the magical embodiment of a 10-year-old boy’s fantasy, it works spectacularly. 

If we wanted to see a “realistic”action adventure flick, we would watch “John Wick”.

I know you’re not making a good faith argument, but I’m going to answer earnestly, as if you were.

Fraser Anning is also the politician who quoted Hitler’s ‘final solution’ in his maiden speech in parliament. To be clear to anyone overseas, due to our bizarre Senate voting system, he obtained his seat with only 19 primary votes. His views are not widespread, he genuinely represents only the most vile, racist

Australia gained independence from the UK in 1901, in case you missed the news.

Trump has praised Apple’s CEO, Tim Arrow, for his dedication to protecting his customers.

If I was this guy, I would recoup the loss of the cost of a new phone, by selling this one to the screen protector company for advertising. Madison Avenue (or whatever the Australian equivilent is) cant make up anything as good as this.

We are all here for MoHawkeye

So are Instagram and other platforms”

Can we get Earther put back up on the marquee instead of hidden under Gizmodo? This site does too much good work to be filed away as a sub-blog and not getting attention.

I actually did that (since I didn’t know either) and for the benefit of those who don’t have a calculator at the fingertips 24/7 like I do, its “BOOBIES”.

We just call it Arby’s.