
“Also, don’t listen to my music in your car. And if your wife keeps talking during “Cinnamon Girl,” get a divorce. Put your dog outside. Move at least 10 miles away from any other residence. These are just a few of the practical steps you can take to enjoy my music as it was intended to be enjoyed.”

This sums everything up nicely. Unfortunately, you made too much sense, so people won’t listen.

You can agree that there’s no evidence of a better listening experience with ‘high resolution audio’ while also acknowledging that streaming is inferior to the CD experience. Streaming quality is inferior, though it depends on what you’re listening too. As I’ve said before, you don’t really need CD quality to listen

True, but if someone told me that I had a choice between spending a few days on an airship, for less money and with the kind of amenities you generally get on ferries - space and actual places to eat, mainly, perhaps a cabin - and a regular transatlantic flight, I’d almost always go with the airship.

You know what would solve the majority of these noise-and-air pollution issues?

If I had a pool by the edge of a cliff, the “creepy neighbors” could watch me doing it in the pool.

“Erosion” Stop it with that witchcraft talk. Everybody knows the earth is exactly how it was 4000 years ago when God created it.

photo backgrounds in no way make gmail look better. they make it look worse like a fucking myspace page from 2003

Oh, you expect me to read ALL of the words now?!?

... bringing battery life to a cool 37 minutes and 16 seconds....

It’s not that we’re pretending they are something new. We are just appreciating that they are now on a platform that actually works.

I’m on a horse.

I’m on a horse.

It’s tangible and human. I think switches and dials represent a closer connection to the engineering than a screen and software. It’s one of the reasons I love the new Battlestar Galactica: it’s a ship from an older, analog era that ends up being humanity’s last hope against technology that is trying to kill them.

A skyscraper is a luxury item in a society that can’t keep it’s infrastructure repaired.

And you’re a fucking idiot who can’t detect sarcasm.

Hey, you know what?

She's like an awkward newborn baby pony

You know, for ACTUAL reading. I prefer an ereader. Aside from being lighter and having better battery life, you're also less likely to get distracted by Infinity Blade.