
Star Wars fanboys: Making Trekkies look goooooood, by comparison. :)

For the record, there are many, many MORE ways to NOT watch the narcissistic child-man.

I’d like to believe that but I honestly don’t think they’re capable of that level of introspection.

This! THIS’ll be the end of the world, for realsies!! No, I MEAN it this time!!!

“There is no technical reason for that decision, which is disappointing and hurts both of our customers.”

The fact that they have only two customers should probably be just slightly more concerning to them ;)  

My main problem with Studio 60 was that the show within the show simply wasn’t funny. Sorkin writes wonderful and often funny dialog but he’s most definitely NOT a comedy sketch writer. It was painfully cringe-inducing trying to pretend that the show they were producing was as funny as they thought it was.

I’m sympathetic to that viewpoint but it also behooves us to remember that if someone is injured or killed because they were inside their phone instead of paying attention while crossing a busy street, it isn’t pure Darwinism at work. Theirs isn’t the only life (*ahem*) impacted by their stupidity - their families, of

I have headphones so I’m not at all concerned about AUDIO being nsfw, but visuals.......let’s just say it would’ve been nice to have had a warning with regard to the video above that the IMAGES - while cartoonish - aren’t really safe for work either.

That’s a helluva lot more than what’s going through HIS mind........which is to say, nothing of substance.

How can you protect something that doesn’t exist? Breitbart’s “editorial integrity”...?

Ah, yes.......the deflection.

I could start listing off the names of Republican politicians back at’cha but you’re missing the point. It’s the GOP that keeps throwing their “family values” in our collective faces; who keep making their holier-than-thou pronouncements the centerpieces of their campaigns against the


It’s emojii. Sheesh, I thought everyone knew THAT :)

That is......simply......gorgeous.

I think it was more like four hours, wasn’t it? That still cuts away about 2/3rds of the nonsense that made that forced-trilogy so bad. I watching that fan edit (or, at least, A fan edit) and quite enjoyed it. The official movies, though? I had trouble making it through just the first one.

And Logan’s Run? Or is that one just dead at this point?

Hypothetically ;)

The scripting was awful; the structuring was poor; many of the performances were tissue-paper-thin, overly broad, or both (I’m looking at you, Mehki Phifer). I don’t even remember if I ever made it all the way through. It was a helluva slog.

Yep, missed it by that much.