
EXACTLY what I was going to guess! LMFAO! SMH.

Instead of just tossing off unsupported leading questions, why not TRY addressing where you think they went wrong? Otherwise, it just sounds like you're an Android fanboy with a bug up his ass.

It must go beyond that. This was not a piddling gesture. Oh, wait.....yes it was.

Macbook PROs would cost around $2000. Standard Macbooks are easily half that. Less if you buy them refurbished or in bulk, I'd imagine. Just sayin'.

He must have really been pissed off about something.

The evidence for global warming isn't in the predicting of what the weather is going to be next week. It's in the record of what the weather has been and the direction in which that data trends. Don't confuse day-to-day weather with climate.

Yes, this. While the local climate impact may look damning, we'd need to see how it compares. Although I wouldn't be altogether surprised if the data showed in the end that because a wind farm covers many square miles its overall effect on the local climate is more pronounced than those of facilities that are

Eh, he'd probably end up being the Michigan J. Frog of cats.....only performing his trick when nobody's looking.

I guess Little Willie, Willie won't......go home.

I love how their video says that your car vibrates but your phone "doesn't go anywhere"...as the phone dances across the surface it's supposedly gripping.

Oh, honey! Your hair is so full and thick and.....wait. Is that....NOSE JUNK? In your HAIR?


Have you not discovered ear and nose trimmers?

I saw what you did there.

That was 10x more awesome than the Marlin's arcade abomination itself.

Hehe....thanks! That WAS the reference, of course, and, yes, I do know the actual line. I might still be able to recite the whole movie for you, if you'd like... :)

Listen, strange women distributing swords in the rain.....something something this isn't quite working.

But REALLY don't forget to press DELiver.

Breast pun thus far.

Not if you have to code for it. If that's your lot, it still sucks.