
Haha! Didn't know what that meant - had to Google it. No, really!

You. Funny. Yes, you.

This particular instance may have been CBS but Fox News is the leader.

Boooo, Michael, you bastard!

In the long run, you're not doing your feet any good. They're engineered to provide a measure of support but they only work if you lace 'em up nice and snugly.


Smart roads. I realize, of course, that that's facile but I really think that's the direction we must and will go because traffic problems just seem to keep getting worse. Clearly, the ways in which we've BEEN attacking the problem - while they often alleviate things for a time - aren't sufficient. The costs and

And how many of those 3o years were spent sitting in the pictured intersection? Yikes!

That's disheartening. :(

I'm rather impressed with the amount of thought you've obviously given this...and relieved as hell that I don't live next door to you. I mean, I don't, do I? Oh, crap. Better do a little sleuthing...

Or to say the moon landings never happened. Or that climate scientists don't agree on global warming. Or that the Earth and everything on it was created just 6,000 years ago just as it exists today. Or....[see other GOP talking points]...

I was waiting for someone to say, "We're going down!" And I was not disappointed.

"Mother Nature....doesn't putz with [a keeper]." I giggled.

I would think your wife would appreciate that you're applying yourself to the task of learning more about the clitoris and stimulating same. Oh, er....NOT that I think you don't know that stuff already, I.....I..............I'll see myself out.

It may be the other way 'round - chocolate stimulates her clitoris. No? Hm.

"Now, did I or did I not... do... vaginal... juices?"

I refuse to watch this clip purely on principle. And self-preservation. The last time I watched any of Battlefield: Earth, I had to soak my eyeballs in bleach for two hours afterward. That is not an experience I care to repeat, let me tell you.

Ringo Starr is one of the luckiest men on the face of the Earth, if not THE luckiest.

How did nature manage to create little men in boats before there were men? #confused

Never saw the special extended edition. Dude's an even bigger ass than I'd given him credit for.