I think Joel Johnson is a pretty cool guy. eh get lulz and doesn't afraid of anything.
I think Joel Johnson is a pretty cool guy. eh get lulz and doesn't afraid of anything.
2 girls 1 cup is riveting.
I can echo your concern my good chap.
Good, I'm not the only one perturbed.
I think that boy lieks mudkipz
Wow. Facebook did not obligate Rolling Stone to make them the sole credential for commenting. That was Rolling Stone's decision. OpenID and Disqus are still valid alternatives; Facebook isn't muscling them out of commenting. Even if Facebook was the sole commenting solution on like 90% of sites, it would only get that…
it isn't mandatory, fool. RTFA for once.
"Create your own meme"? Really? How warped people's understanding of memetics have become.
u mad feminists?
Don't forget your Norse mythology
I noticed the god's finger changes scale after entering the atmosphere. If it were as big as it were before entry, you wouldn't be able to see its edges from the ground. Jussayin'
How very binary.
how can something so racist be so funny.
UX is fascinating to me. Thank God for well-written articles like this.
Man, you just brought back some memories right there. Encarta on Win '95, good lord.
This thing lives at the deepest crevasse of the uncanny valley. *shudder*
A mortar, that is.