
@cleppertime: Welcome to the real world, consumers don't want fancy design school fetish objects.

I'm surprised that wasn't typed all in caps.

In Soviet Russia, CPUs collect you.

That's an epic background image if I ever saw one.

Poor Bieber, she's a sweet kid, leave her alone!

Reeks of viral marketing.. so when is Sandra Bullock's new movie coming out?

I'm honestly surprised there was more to this than only Apple products, and for that I'm grateful.

Can we remotely destroy Facebook forever with this new option?

@BuckieJoe: Stop drinking the cool-aid already.

@gemcosta: Add the magical battery charger, there you go, it's now a revolutionary $98.

Erm, I have a Wacom multi-touch pad at home and it's close to being useless - who knew that I do much more than swiping left-right, zooming in-out and rotating stuff?

@Bard Vandal: You expect premium hardware at a cost-value price point from Apple? I'll have two of whatever you're smoking...

@Kai Kadgien: Possibly with FaceTime technology so you can talk to yourself.

I'd so pay just to keep following Justin Bieber.

So how much is a 27-inch Apple monitor gonna go for, $2k?

How about some upgrades for all that expandability that goes unused more often than not? That is, CPU upgrades and decent video cards.

Good luck, Jeff.

Truly magical and revolutionary, just like my use of sarcasm.

"Scientists have discovered that da Vinci used a well known renaissance painting technique known as sfumato."

Some hilarious stuff there.