
I think a better point that all the other commenters seem to be missing is that you should consider changing to a streaming service. I won't argue the usability of iTunes. However, the Surface will be sporting a limited amount of space. Keeping your music collection on the device might make it difficult to maintain

Seeing as the tablet is running nothing but a customized version of Android, yes. I'm sure Amazon would be more than happy to build a tailored version of Android for educational use. That being said, once someone figures out how to root it nothing would really be stopping them from flashing a new rom.

Unless they provide an update for wp 7.5 I can't see myself buying into this. I'd rather just keep Spotify.

That's a pretty good idea. I'm assuming you've already saved up for the impending Wii U release. Thanks for clarifying!

This is the college I went to for High School/my Associates. I can't really say I'm surprised. Their IT department was always pretty bad and found it really difficult to keep the laptops they gave to each of us locked down.

"Flip retail prices for profit"

I wonder how long it will be until a movie studio uses the technology from this to make an incredibly convenient set.

I felt the exact opposite. To me it seemed as if Romney was constantly interrupting and forcing more air time. At first I assumed it was my bias getting in the way but I've seen a lot of comments about Romney's inability to keep quiet.

Ah I see, thanks for the clarification!

But they did review it. They even made an announcement that "After review, the ruling on the field is upheld."

WP7 user here. Looking at video or pictures that you just took in the camera app is as easy as a swipe to the right. It seems to me that the guy wasn't familiar with the phone or didn't swipe as the Lumia started taking a second video (which he then attempted to play rather than going to the first video). It's really

My girlfriend recently stepped on my gen 1 nook and cracked the screen. I really loved that thing and I was considering getting the simple touch until now.

I agree, I actually finished it for the first time about a week ago (I forgot about it for the longest time...) and at a high level I actually found the end boss to be too easy. A couple of shots with a shotgun in the head and used rage to finish him off. I think he hit me once.

I was going to say roughly the same thing but you beat me to it!

So basically now instead of just turning off UAC whenever I do an install I have to turn off SmartScreen as well? I'm ok with that.

To me it just seems like a bunch of companies are angry that Microsoft is muscling into their territory. I've been using win8 since the first downloads went up and I haven't seen anything that would affect my ability to play games on it. I'm happy to see Windows get a proper app store. Will I use it to download

Oh man, I didn't realize the Thinkpad had the cooling on the side. I always wanted to find a laptop like that but I didn't think they existed (every laptop I've ever touched has had the same, horribly designed bottom structure.)

That website actually just helped me find out about several things I've been wanting to watch. Thanks for sharing!

LoL has bot games as well. I think advising people to stay away from an entire genre due to a sharp (and frustrating) learning curve is a bit ridiculous.

The problem is /b/ would funnel users that way, not hinder them from seeing it.