
If you don't have it yet check out AppFlow.

Mind posting the source on the different core info? I haven't heard much about that but Microsoft did email me to let me know that wp7 app will run just fine on wp8.

In a time where developers frequently release games with horrible bugs in them to only be patched up later I'd hate to see the same thing happen with story lines. I fully understand your frustration with a bad story line. Especially the for the amount of money. Although, I wouldn't bash the entire series over one bad

Looking at this my guess would be there had been an article he was assigned to work on. He came in in the morning and said his laptop was missing - so no article. Gawker probably has a requirement for number of articles and he was told to write one on losing laptops since he has the unfortunate experience of it

I have been using Speed Dial (1) for awhile and I'm not sure exactly what you mean by "pin", but there are a couple of ways to add a new website to a dial button.

I'm surprised that giz didn't list microsoft's free online office tools as a replacement to google docs. Hell, I prefer it over google docs.

Never once did I complain about either taxes or lack of money?

I'm trying to keep it near $1k but I can go up a bit if needed. Thanks for the link! I normally do follow the dealzmodo posts, but even if I can't find a deal on a laptop as long as I like it I'll be happy. I'll be stuck with the guy for the next few years!

I was going to order online no matter what kind of laptop I get. I saw Dell had some fairly nice XPS systems although I feel like HP or Dell would cost more simply because they are well known names.

It's tax season! As a broke college kid who, according to my tax return, shouldn't be making enough to survive I'm expecting to get most if not all the money taken by federal withholding during the year.

Sounds like someone didn't change the default password on the router's setting page.

I more or less despise apple as a company and try to avoid them but I do think the Air is beautifully designed and, while it had little impact this year in terms of itself, it has caused PC makers to wake up and start making ultrabooks rather than the chunks of ugly plastic we are all so used to.

I think the wifi comment answers your question of the 3G speeds.

If someone could get a decent shot of the ball drop in Times Square it would be a winner for sure.

I would say Pescatarian would be a closer fit but the addition of the pork made it just a normal meal. Not sure why Sam felt the need to include the vegetarian tag.

The only problem with that is WoW addicts seem to have slow reaction times. I played that game for years and never understood how, with mods, you can be alerted of a boss move and still not manage to dodge it.

Have you never grown attached to any non human thing. A car, a bike, a favorite pair of shoes?

My apologies for this. Please disregard all that follows.

Except unless you upgraded the RAM you will only have 4 GB, The video card isn't quite as nice, and the processor clocks in at 2.2 not 2.8.

If you change your phone you can keep the data plan. Switch providers and your only option would be Sprint for truly unlimited Data.