
Ah... got it. Thanks.

I don't get it. Not trying to be difficult. I understand the reference but if this were her parents, she did marry him so the chance was never missed? Just curious.

I have to honestly say I can't comment on this only because I haven't read CNN comments. Is it bad too?

I agree with you completely on this one. Worst commenters ever in the history of commentary. It actually scares me how bad it is. People like that actually exist? It's also sheep/mob mentality. If someone starts getting thumbs up, people assume it's the right way to think.

you are exactly correct. i try telling people about using the hot water method but they look at my with crazy wild eyes.

Lol... love it.

Nice one. Had a good laugh.

Just my opinion, I also think being a kid makes it a lot easier since the fear you know then is different than the fear you know later.

I consider myself an app whore, scouring the net for the latest and greatest games/apps for my iphone 4s. I even have a distro where I email my favorite apps of the week to various friends and family.

Stupid? I must be in the minority here then. I thought this was awesome.

thanks, this comparison helps. did not like the song though!


good one. i don't think the other guy gets it though.

ha. i second that.

music pulled off a romcom anime featuring an awkward japanese boy who's super nice but actually quite perverted and a girl who is absolutely clueless and has unusually angled hair and breasts as big as really big tacos.

well said.

sorry friend, i can't agree with you on ts3 being great. i thought it was overrated and that how to train your dragon was the better animated film that year. otherwise, keep rocking!

best comment i read all day. such is the double-standard.

i know i'm in the deep minority here but i never understood what all the fuss was about with the kindle fire. granted it's 200 bucks but after receiving it, i found the kindle interface so bloody restricting.

gentlemen and ladies, i urge you to at least read this article first. i don't usually find gizmodo articles offensive, but this one is so biased.