Herp Derply

I was ignorant to that. If all that is indeed true then yes I should think the case would be handled differently. It’s just in law the burden of proof is placed upon the accuser and things have to be worded very carefully. It might be clear that he violated the EULA but now it’s about to what extent.

The RIAA and MPAA made the decision to not go after individuals who torrented movies and music but instead the hosting platforms. The mom has legal precedent and she does raise some good points about the nature of free to play and the claims levied.    

Yeah the ones that pop up 20 seconds in and force you to lose your place in the article.

Anybody check out his podcast? BECAUSE IT’S AMAZING.

Lots of Valve games are available as well. CS:GO and TF2 etc.

I read this whole article twice and I’m having trouble understanding what’s going on. Am I the only one who has a hard time following twitter drama? I never know who’s replying to whom and if I’m supposed to know who the person that’s replying or retweeting is.

This would by a day 1 buy on PC for me - I’ve been trying to emulate but its been janky at best and the game just looks so beautiful in HD

I mean I stuff my turkey with it...so yeah.

Overwatch does seems to be the only game that understands that paying for loot boxes should be an option and not a requirement.

CS:GO annoys me more than anything. $2.50 per box and ZERO guarantee of anything good.

Calling /pol/ conservative could be the grossest understatement in the last 5 years.

Nothing posted to /pol/ should be taken seriously or tolerated.

Imagine how women feel.

In a weird way I kinda, sorta, almost, maybe feel for him.

His actions hurt and marginalized people and there needs to be some serious action and repentance coming from Goodman’s direction to atone for that.

But look at how evil and destructive repression is. This guy’s entire life is a fiction because he’s never felt

As a dog nut I kind of love this. I would so play a table top or RTS with this style.

Hey man so real question. Why don’t you stream?

LOL I really got under your pasty pimply skin huh? You’ve been thinking about this all weekend huh?

My FB was linked to Kinja and over the weekend I did some tidying up of my privacy amongst other things. I really really really makes me laugh that you care so much about this that you’re taking screenshots without any

Just another internet dwelling child who can’t see past themselves or how their actions influence others. Move along folks, nothing worthwhile here.

I’m really glad I made you get out of bed today buddy. I hope you feel better after typing all that.

I actually work in media. Live television actually as well as stage and event production. Everything you just said just reinforces my belief that streaming is nothing but a race to the bottom. Does not matter what the

I’m always so impressed with people who can get skin and moisture textures so life like.

I’m a laugh riot at parties Vin! If you’re ever in NorCal I’ll take you to one.

This idea that people are immune to criticism after publically putting themselves on display is laughable.

This guy is wearing his “I’m a super important video game streamer” badge pretty loud on his chest and I’m just wholly unimpressed.

You’re seriously; with a straight face, going to compare sitting around and playing video games to an athlete or a singer songwriter or a comedian?

I work in live television my good dude. On a daily basis I see the effort it takes to bring even just a 30min newscast to fruition.

The only effort required to be a