I’m all for positive representations in popular culture but can somebody explain to me why Overwatch’s lore seems to be about the domestic minutia of their lives? I mean being gay/non-binary is dope but I’m way more interested in like their superpowers and weapons and stuff.
NES Pro Slim now with 4K support.
Russian lever action sniper is the best.
I never said “blacklist” I work in news and I wanted a professional opinion on how a reporter chooses to broach certain topics.
So this universe that Team Ico has created - what do they plan to do with it? They make these games in a setting that almost everyone who plays them loves and they just kinda let them sit forever. I wanna know what happened already.
Regardless of the quality of the product do you guys still feel comfortable giving Oculus time on your website given that Palmer Luckey funded fake news troll sites with money raised from the Oculus project?
Pretty defensive there chump champ.
This guy is talking absolute nonsense. If you needed this list to understand that you shouldn’t be in too much debt, you shouldn’t jerk off all the time and should eat a well rounded diet then you probably also stuck around for the other; more problematic, ideas from his philosophy.
Well Keemstar can die in a fire for all I care, along with leafy and that whole crew.
So what kinda technology do coaster engineers use to mock-up their designs and see how they might run?
Convince me that game piracy is a good thing that helps the industry. I’m 100% honest and not looking for a fight. I’m just confused as to how technology that protects IPs that people; indie developers too, spent a lot of time working on. I mean the only reason you’d be excited for this would be so you can then post…
Overwatch is free this weekend so I might check out what all the fuss is about. I did just buy BF1 and am level 20 on multiplayer I have a love hate relationship with it. The whole came has a huge camping problem IMO.
So like...when does Ubisoft start getting legal push back for consistently releasing games that are not finished or broken? In this case both.
And we both exist peacefully. #LoveTrumpsHate
I’m not trying to start an argument. I just find that video pretty boring.
It is nice to see people still care about layout and printing. Looks like their use of the negative space really sells it and if its printed on high grain card stock than it’s totally worth it.
Oh shit lets put Tesla on blast because they’re car go smashed. How many fiery car accidents were there in the last month?
Every time I read asleep health article I get annoyed that personal schedules are never taken into consideration. When you have to work two jobs you just don’t get to have this magical 6 - 8 hour sleep number that everyone talks about.
I got the 15 dollar version of Rainbow 6 Siege and I really enjoy it but the grind on that game to unlock the other operators is really massive. You gotta play (and do well) for like 7 straight hours to get enough gold to unlock a dude. Also the game does not have host migration so you better hope the host does not…