Herp Derply

Who are Jared’s lawyers and how do they sleep at night?


Good word.

I hate to be that guy but why no core i7? I mean if you’re going to do it you might as well go all the way. I mean this really is amazing fitting an entire high-end gaming PC into a monitor but just a confusing choice for me. If you’re buying one of these than clearly money is no object.

That’s actually kind of intimidating. Ni No Kuni 1 was such a friggen monster of a game. Even when the game ends it does not really end you’ve still got that new game + with the creepy bunny rabbit mask dude

Between this and Pokemon Uranium my week is set game wise.

Are the suburbs even worth it anymore?

What is valve going to do with this? They cannot deny the conflict of interest here and the gaming control board is going to take notice of this at some point. They did with Draft Kings

This October is going to be the last officially slated and produced “Monster Madness”. No witty comment just excited about it. Monster Madness should be on TV

So like...what does it mean? If you have a 1000+ level steam account do you get a better chance of drops in games or something? I mean its kinda cool I guess, just what are the implications of this number?

This stuff is pretty tame actually. I’ve seen some stuff in a few /b/ threads that really made me ill. Like some of this stuff is pretty un-hinged.

Hard to get a gay game on steam but very easy to get a underage anime girl “dating” sim games are A -OK

Try hard Bowie impersonators? Pass.

I love mallet space in non-cartoon settings. It sticks out like a sore thumb and always provides a good chuckle. Our suspension of disbelief can only go so far. Sure she can bicycle kick someone 12 feet in the air but where the hell was that package hiding?

I saw it recently on a stream. Its okay.

Jesus Christ space is so fucking cool.

I are not support generic ass FPS, just fuck you.

Go to work and school and jokingly tell everyone that “you’re going to kill them and their family” and see how many people care about intent or credibility. You can’t do this in your day to day life but apparently a keyboard means you’re just joking.

What is everyone so upset about? Don’t minor delays happen all the time? Especially from independent developers.