Pixelantes Anonymous

They need to enable live streams of online gameplay from EA Sports games on that, like GothamTV on PGR. Like someone else said...a live 3D boxing arena showing line boxing matches would kick a$$.

Sure. Just like the fuel surcharges airlines put on are gone now that gas is cheap again.

Why are you linking to page 4 of a 4-page article rather than the first page?

What's the big deal?

@Foxdie: With an occassional Ponzi scheme thrown in every 12 months or so. Wait...isn't that how it works on Wall Street, too? Maybe Eve's onto something.

Combine a DVR and XBox 360, and expose the DVR functionality in video games as a built-in feature, so that we could record gameplay as well as TV programming.

@Mike the Dog: They're too moron to understand Walmart doesn't sell any American products. It's an American company, so surely it must be selling American products, right?

If you can, take some time off. Do nice things to yourself. Relax.

Will the cops confiscate "Julie's" boobs, cause they were acquired by illegal means?

1.5M GOW2 players causing havoc on the Intertubes?

You are gotta be f***ing kidding me.

@Polite Society: I think that if there was a user community built around $0.99 pens and there were different manufacturers for the pens, the morons would still come to the defense of their beloved corporation.

@TRT-X: "I can't see that being successful."

@seamonkey420: "The Beatles are the big money in the music gaming genre or anything music related."

@TRT-X: Well, that's not entirely true.

Poor Massa.

So that Big Daddy with its phallic symbolism on the cover is just a coincidence, right?