Pixelantes Anonymous

Argelia? Is that next to Tusinia?

It's not people who are playing FIFA who are getting hacked.

They were already proven guilty. As punishment they got little more than time served.

Looks like someone woke up. It's coming up blank now.



Because "defense" department budgets are unlimited.

I'll bet you a LOT of money it'll be promptly renewed when the time's up.



The next step is to remove any games published or developed by companies that support SOPA from any official MLG event.

I. Can. Not. Look. Away.

Piece of advice, when you're in a hole, stop digging. You're welcome.

Could someone please send the "no posing" advice to my mother-in-law? Nothing I've tried is helping.

Warren Adelman has no backbone. I don't believe for a second that he actually had a change of heart. I wouldn't be surprised at all, if he still continued supporting it in private where the Internets can't see.

So in other words, IP addresses can't be used to identify infringers?

SOPA has nothing to do with that.

As Cla said below, the problem is not (necessarily) the inability to file class action law suits, but the forced arbitration. The arbitration companies are paid by the companies using them. It's a serious conflict of interest that's caused the binding arbitration proceedings to be heavily skewed towards the companies.

Because the original agreement you "agreed to" said they can change the agreement at any time.

This is a good thing. MTV should have nothing to do with any activity that I actually enjoy.