
I'm Canadian and view religion as something dangerous I would shield my children from.

Yeah gender equality sucks, anyone who brings it up is clearly whining.

You put a biased inflection in your own words, no one did that for you.

No one is forcing you to extrapolate meaning from the test. And if you care so much, go ahead and analyse movies with a 'reverse test', no one is stopping you. Or do you just like to whine about 'reverse discrimination' and not do anything about it? You may think you avoided showing your bias in this post but you

You find it hard to believe most kids' books don't portray at least one scenario where two named male characters talk to each other about something other than a woman?

Nooo she is soo awful, I mean is she really the best actress for the job or is it because, I don't know, her mom is Meryl Streep? It's Colin Hanks all over again

Because they aren't holier than thou about it like she is


OK wait when people here say liberal, do they mean politically or philosophically?

Do people in the USA have a really, really different idea about what liberal is?

Well in Canada guns aren't so damn political, I mean, really, people from the USA seem to tie it to their identity - we use guns to hunt food, most rural people have one and city people don't, it's not a big deal.

balling gals is what I read, and that would be sweet

I suggested this a while back and people rebelled, I guess she is so obnoxious now the sentiments have turned?

It's not the gun thing, it's the Christian thing

We need less portrayal of Christianity on TV, not more! As someone who believes women have rights and gay people are not sinners I am really sick of the amount of proselytizing that occurs on TV. Trust me, it's a lot, and if it bugged you, you would notice too. And you really don't understand what being liberal is if

You can't insult what's not there

I abhor thick crust soppy pizza, I like mine thin and crispy
Canadian pizza?

same here, and I can't edit, and these little boxes with who voted what pop up that I can't get rid of until I click on them

She was really getting off looking at those guns though, and left wing Christian is still right wing

How the heck can Peter justify dissing Diane solely because of her relationship with his wife? Isn't that totally against the rules?