
Fucking millenials

Hey, bitch, no one is watching. No. One.

The play clock was at :00. Should never have been a kick.

Democrats have run big cities for 30 years with disastrous consequences. Who holds them accountable?

Heh, these people will be gone by sundown tomorrow.

Obama is a little bitch. Trump would have turned that plane around and come home rather than subject himself and the office to such ignominity.

Yes. Whole life. Ruined. I hate that woman with the burning fire of 1,000 suns.

Relax, she’ll be on the “business” side of the wall in just about four months.

This is a good fan. Get your stupid sport off my island, yah?

Um, the Olympics have been over for some time. America has gone back to not caring.

Damn the whites, damn them to hell. Building houses and taking advantage of federal poverty programs. These poor vulnerable people with names straight out of a Living Color episode, why they can’t be blamed for this neglect. Its white oppression!

There is skin-deep beauty and inner beauty. Lena Dunham, alas, posesses neither.

Oh my God I am in love.

My third grade teacher dumped my messy desk in front of the whole class. I am now organized, focused and successful.

Here is the problem in the US: people are no longer ashamed of anything. If my kid were disciplined by a teacher (neither has ever been, by the way #goodparenting) I would be mortified. My first reaction would be to make my child apologize to the teacher, not contact the media for some blown up story about “well,

Oh, please, please tell me Elon was on board.....

Black zebras matter. And, well white zebras. Black and white zebras matter.

I’ll always have ‘05. Can’t wait for the melt-down versus Giants.

Oprah is the worst human being that ever existed. Arrogant. Bigoted. For sale. Disgraceful.
