Piston Slap Yo Mama

Exactly - if we’ve learned anything from the last several years in America, it’s that malicious corrupt actors will never face any consequences and will, in fact, flourish and be granted only more power, influence, and cold hard cash.

As one who is picking up his new furbaby kitty from the Animal Refuge League later this afternoon, this is grounds for summary execution. Preferably in the most painful and inhumane way possible. Tossed out of a car at high speed in heavy traffic would be fine with me, but maybe not quite painful enough.

I can’t not buy an iPhone”

an autocratic country with a garbage human rights record.

Vladimir Putin clearly has “Dictator’s Disease”, which happens after a long period of being a dictator said dictator begins to believe their “Yes Men” and Personal Infallibility. This is why Putin never considered that the Ukrainian People might just oppose the Russian Invasion...

He doesn’t need to wait, he needs to get an attorney and sue their dumb asses, ASAP. Or better yet, move out of Tennessee.

Ted is your problem and you get to keep him; we don’t want him back.

He’s really going to be mad when he gets deported and has to live out his days in Winnipeg.

A person born abroad in wedlock to two U.S. citizen parents...”

The dude is making tons of money from all of the videos about these issues.

I don’t know if laughter is the proper response.  Perhaps amazement and lots of head-shaking.  These folks haven’t just drunk the Kool Aid.  They’re swimming in it, diving below the surface and breathing it as well.

Oh of course. I was laughing as I was writing it. None of this behavior is normal or ok.

We’re all laughing at him. Turns out the apartheid emerald billionaire ate his face.

Lol this article was posted for us to laugh at the guy, right? Nobody should feel bad for him. Nobody.

Corrosion in a vehicle that has a life measured in weeks?

Wündertruck”? All I see is Blundertruck.

From what I’ve heard, you don’t give a shit if people with asthma or COPD die.

Yeah, if you belch all that shit out into the atmosphere your truck runs better.

So much this.

My wife and I joke about this. She says I should bring in another wife in to spread the burden of everyday life. I say have more than enough wife as it is. If she wants another wife in here so badly, she can go get herself a new wife.