Piston Slap Yo Mama

No weapons in the car, no charges against anyone in the car, nothing. That proves it wasn’t justified, it was a stupid cop that was either a racist jackass, or a stupid cop that has the brain the size of a walnut (who could also be racist).

Ummmm not even the cops are claiming they were shot at...

Probably not his first rodeo.

“See, that’s why I don’t wear a seatbelt.”

A Mustang...being chased by a Wrangler....

aluminum sump guard

To admit to voting for Trump was a mistake takes a level of self awareness that Trump supporters do not possess. They have bought into the Amway. The time share in Boca. The pyramid scheme. They have paid for the extended warranty on their leased Toyota Avalon. They are the temporarily inconvenienced future

The action of going mudding makes you a redneck. It’s just reality.

You can be a wealthy hedge fund manager from Wall Street named Kip Smithers, but for those five minutes that you’re ripping donuts through a field in your Mercedes GLS, you’re a redneck.

That interior looks like something out of Boogie Nights.

Wait a minute. This just gave me an idea. Is Blood Drive the origin story for Pixar’s Cars? It is, isn’t it?

The meeting seemed to be going well. Then suddenly, for no apparent reason, my colleague and I were tired.

So do they manage to do this without increasing rolling resistance to the cars? If the road deforms more than typical asphalt, they really wouldn’t be capturing lost energy as much as taking energy from people’s cars (which aren’t exactly thermodynamically efficient to begin with)

This comment is beyond stupid. How would I take my dog hiking or other activities that enrich his life? This is fine if you have a small shitty dog that is useless and basically just a stuffed teddy bear, but never taking your large working class dog anywhere is pretty much torture for him. I’m guessing you’ve never

People: A pet in your car will definitely kill you in a crash

Ouch, that impact probably knocked his monocle out.

I guess this is oakay.

Logs?! Man alive, that is just something I wood knot do!

Too bad we don’t have any colonies to drop on this miserable planet.

Heaven forfend anyone be reminded of a safe and legal medical procedure or have the idea of it become so normal and commonplace that people don’t shame and kill each other over it; you poor thing, I hope you weren’t overcome by the vapors and be forced to your fainting couch.

I mentioned in NPoCP today that the only time I paid more than $1000 for a bike is for my current ride, a 1998 Honda Pacific Coast 800. It’s worth it, and is certainly not a beater.