Piston Slap Yo Mama

So... will this work at home with my wife?

Due to extensive research done by the League University of Science, diamond has been confirmed as the the hardest metal known the man. The research is as follows.

Why do you instantly label them as "hipster" bikes? And why is it a bad thing to like them? I think these bikes are pretty damn cool lookin, and no I do not look like act like dress like talk like a damn hipster.

This is why I store a drum of radioactive isotopes in my classic car with a label that says "candy."

"I'm pretty sure I hit the water."...Genius

When they got him out of the car, he was Dizzy Gillespie.

and on the other side:

I have to pass some Engene Mccarthy litmus test? Cub4 doesn't have diplomatic ties with the US and they offered a boatload of aids, doctors and medics after Hurrican Katrina. The US would rather let its people suffer than accept that aid.

I don't see what the big deal is, I put a 4 banger where you normally find a V8:

This was almost my first car, but ended up with an SW20 MR2 instead. Still would like one as a daily beater, looked for a while, couldn't turn one up. Can't remember the last time I saw one on the road.

Because the security guard saw everything and helped. Obviously.

1st Gear: The Case Against Ethanol

Yay new engines!

This song makes me feel like beating up Dan Rather.

Been there. A few years ago when I was 20 and had waist-length dreadlocks I got pulled over for a drug test. I was stone cold sober on my way to work at 7:30am on a Tuesday. Dude breathalised me twice, did two of saliva drug tests AND a made me do the whole line walk and everything. After this he said he had reason to

The English think they invented EVERYTHING. I think it has something to do with being stuck on that island.

Now playing

The Acura ad isn't nearly as stupid as this new Lexus ad:

Don't let your facts get in the way of his ignorance.