Piston Slap Yo Mama

It’s weird having a dialog in Jalopnik comments where the other party isn’t trolling me or using fantastical misrepresentations of what I’d written. Kudos to you!

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Trump IS an existential threat to democracy and he uses the EXACT same rhetoric & playbook as Hitler. It was you who interpreted that as a threat.

There has been a *slight* bump in wages that parallels inflation, so kudos to the current administration for that, though those are flimsy laurels to rest upon.

While true you can adjust for inflation and claim that cars aren’t really more expensive, the true fact is that as of 2024, it has been 15 years since the last increase to the federal minimum wage. American wages have stagnated while the cost of education, rent, home ownership and healthcare have skyrocketed far

There’s no way he raised more $$$ for cancer research in donations than he spent on his joyride that enriched Musk.

And again, stop with the Straw Man arguments: at no point did I piss on NASA’s fantastic accomplishments.

Cops are the biggest snowflakes you’ll meet. Problem is, they’re snowflakes that can suddenly shout:

I very obviously meant the $$$ he spent on his joy ride into space, not money spent on cancer research. If that’s not evident to you, I suggest you get a scan for brain worms.

Did you literally just proclaim that hundreds of millions of dollars researching childhood cancer was not a worthy cause?

billionaires shouldn’t spend their money bettering society

Considering that my neighbor, a man with a chemical engineering degree, thought that you pushed started a car by leaving it in neutral, pushing it and twisting the key, I’ll give AOC props for knowing more than your average chemical engineer about cars.

Anyone else would quietly delete their erroneous comment and walk backwards into the bushes. Me? I’m going to thank you.

Jupiter’s circumference is barely half that figure, the Earth’s is 24,901 miles or less than a 20th of your quoted sum. I can’t wait to hear where you got that figure from! 

So is a theft + a grift a thrift?

I’ll soon need help disposing of the guy’s body who sits at the red-light three doors down from my house, repeatedly revving to redline which then produces unbelievable artillery cannon-sized backfire.

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I made the mistake of having long hair and a VW bus in an upscale L.A. neighborhood one evening while trying to find an address that had been written unintelligibly on a scrap of paper. I’d slowly driven a few blocks looking for a familiar house when the blue lights came on behind me.

“Hello officer” I said. Instead

+1 star for comparing fake EV noise to ice cream trucks, I had a lol.

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While no fan whatsoever of EVs making arbitrary noise, I absolutely love these sounds:

I care. It’s dumb, inauthentic and irritating. Additionally I’m sure that bad actors will find a way to make their EVs as catastrophically loud as the current crop of ICE shit-cans with no mufflers tuned to make everyone’s ears bleed by backfiring at any lift of the throttle.

In short: no.

Your 10th star is my gift to you.

I joked with my wife that it was only a matter of time before Gen-Z began mounting their flat screen televisions on the wall in portrait orientation. Then a few days later, almost as if I’d willed it into existence, we saw a short clip of some nonsense “influencer” living room ... with a TV mounted in exactly that