Piston Slap Yo Mama

That’s a deep cut my friend and a lesson to avoid the daughters of air traffic controllers.

Aesthetically it’s compromised but mechanically (chef’s kiss) bellissimo! Had they made this without the silly rocker panel BS and just gave it black fiberglass flares and a restrained airdam and some vaporwave stickers down the side I’d have bought one for sure.

Our ‘05 Mazda B2300 (Ranger) was a loyal dance partner.

That Soest Kraftwerk video is bananas!
If you like the writing here then you must love the writing over at TheAutotopian.com - they’re talented wordsmiths for sure while Jalopnik languishes and is a bit rudderless.

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Stick with this video and you’ll see us drive a blistering 80kph on ze Autobahn - in the right lane. ;^)

Florida interstate traffic is a shit-show. Absolutely nobody abides by the Slower Taffic Keep Right mandate, it’s anarchy. I love driving my nimble Fiat Abarth fast but then I see maniacs driving crew cab F150's swerving through traffic and passing us on our frequent Tampa —-> Orlando I-4 trips. On Germany’s Autobahn

So a Chubbatruck is the vehicle version of Truth Social stock? Cool.

Won’t matter to the Musk stans, they won’t be deterred in their ardent sniffing of the man’s shorts.

I don’t see them as “bad” either. Perfectly adequate might be a better description, if adequacy is your thing.

Wait, what?? Is that what happened? What a bunch of butthurt children they are!

Also: that’s one of my favorite episodes of Home Movies. I heart Coach McGuirk & his weird obsessions.

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True dat. On a totally not related subject, is there where your screen name came from?

WTF is “wholistic”?

Good point. As much as I’d like to push Cruz off a cliff, it’s DEM lawmakers that risk being murdered while traveling.

Well at least it still has its original stere- oh never mind.

These click-through slide shows are a pain in the ass and are nothing more than a way to gin up page clicks.

Despite my extreme disgust with all things Musk, I thought everyone knew that the Chubbatruck has rear wheel steering: it’s just deflected sideways.

I’m forever impressed with Musk’s infinite adeptness at authoring or committing some new reprehensible outrage literally every goddam day of every f*cking week of every ... etc and so forth.

I’m ridin’ on twelves b*tches.
Am I under-compensating?

Arguably, none of these cars are genuinely “bad” at least not in the sense that they have character or elicit an emotion. Even the Murano fascinates me for the very reason that it’s considered “bad”: it was a genuinely weird left-field exercise in making something different. That lowered Yugo btw is baller. I’d put

Polarizing opinion is polarizing. You’re not going to lure me into commenting on this shit take. Nope. No way.

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“Shitting in sinks” as relating to cruise ships definitely is reminiscent of the recent and very deeply awesome / distressing movie “Triangle of Sadness”.
If you haven’t seen it - WTF are you waiting for?

The new 500e looks like a great alternative to the forbidden fruit of the Honda e that’s not coming Stateside. As an Abarth owner, I’m still astonished that I could actually walk in a Fiat dealer in drive out in the kind of Euro car that (a few) Americans have long dreamed of owning.