Piston Slap Yo Mama

“Trio of Imbeciles” would be a terrible but awesome band name.

If you don’t know how dire the situation is, why not make some popcorn and get comfy for two hours of ennui if not actual heartbreak with David Attenborough explaining just how F’ed we are.

Thank god you had a decent mother. Mine was ... adequate. I was well into my 30s before I really compared notes with people and realized how I’d been shortchanged in the parental dept. They were so checked out that neither noticed I was 20/400 myopic until midway through 7th grade.

It’s not worth being bugged about it

Sorry for being sincere in the Jalopnik comments, but my love of the 1st gen Prelude is tangled in family history and a father who knew how to manage aerospace projects but cratered when it came to being a dad or a decent husband.

PLEASE somebody find this Car & Driver article from the 80's I vividly remember: they got their staff increasingly more intoxicated under controlled conditions and had them drive an obstacle + high speed course.

On that we agree: there’s a Fiat Abarth 500 parked in my driveway that does everything I need fabulously well. But the Tesla Model S we borrowed for a day made me a believer, though honestly I’d also be happy with a 1st gen Volt, a Fiat 500e or even a Spark EV.

Soon, soon ...

EV’s are demonstrably better - unless you specifically need one for long cross-country journeys, and even then some of the latest models can fast charge at rates quicker than you could order & consume a hamburger.

If using one for your regional commute they’re fantastic: the energy to charge them is nearly free

Maybe my analogy should’ve been the transition from killing whales for lamp oil to petroleum from wells?

Can you imagine if we’d had your attitude back at the introduction of the internal combustion engine? If everyone said they were a “bad value proposition” (whatever that means) because we already had horse feeding troughs and people who cleared the sh*t from our streets?

Our transition to EV’s is infinitely easier,

Too bad this animated gif leaves out the part where the trailer then pulls the little Euro car backwards down the mountain ...

Christ dude. You very, stunningly don’t know about Jamie Kitman. He’s one of the best auto journos ever to string words together - and also managed They Might Be Giants.

Those were good times. The Minutemen were an awesome thinking man’s punk band and Murilee was and is a saucy vixen.

I owned an ‘81 Scirocco identical to this one, bought off a Cerritos L.A. used car lot run by two Mexican dudes wearing hair nets. Thanks to the way the CA DMV did titles back in the late 80s it was dependent upon the sellers competing title paperwork before I’d receive the title - which I never did. Those guys closed

Comparing this to repairing a car’s radiator is dishonest. While in principle it’s the “same”, in reality an automotive radiator is at FAR higher temperatures and temp cycles and FAR higher pressures.

This has very little probability of failing unless subjected to further road strikes.

I bought mine on Aliexpress for $22. They’re not bad. The mesh lets all the grime into your shoes, so don’t wear socks you care about.

I bought mine on Aliexpress for $22. They’re not bad. The mesh lets all the grime into your shoes, so don’t wear

True that. Also Reason Magazine, Harper’s, The Guardian, Forbes, The Atlantic, Salon (sometimes) and a few others.

There’s a reason Edward Snowden skipped the NY Times and WaPo and went to The Guardian with his bombshell evidence of pervasive domestic spying: those two papers didn’t have the balls to print the story

I’ve finally seen the light: I’m re-mounting my 65" LG OLED TV in portrait mode so I too can watch these cinematic masterpieces as their makers intended.

I called Kitman’s piece “in -depth journalism”. Obviously he’s not “investigating” anything.

I recently unearthed a Newsweek magazine from the mid-1950s. Within it was a six page article in tiny 8pt font, six literal pages without photos or graphics describing China’s turmoil between Mao Zedong and Chang Kai-shek in minute detail using a vernacular that caused me, a journalism grad and fan of difficult

Fantastic in depth journalism from Herr Kitman, excellent. Reading it on Jalopnik rather than the WaPo or the Gray Lady (NY Times): disconcerting.

Anyone else thinking about milkshakes?