
I'd like a memory stick that could show how full it is without being plugged in.

Dirt is billions of years old, is Pig Pen a time traveler?!?

If I were a tablet manufacturer, I'd give em to students for free.. or maybe in exchange for the occasional advertisement.

how you like them apples?!? (I've got nothing.)

I'll take one in plastic please.

First, these need to record at least full HD video. Second, we need to strap them to the heads of actors in sitcoms/soaps/etc so we can video karaoke.

If someone could create a device that ran apps and had a camera, they'd probably sell a bunch.

"robit" is the noise a robot frog makes.

what would jesus light?

It's a well known fact that Jesus invented snow. And lights.

plenty of strange legal taxidermy out there:

"Say my name, Atreyu, say my name!!!" moonchild. that was her name. moonchild.

This just in: Hippies smell like patchouli!!!

"I'm sorry Dave, I can't let you answer that call."

Occupy your bass are belong to us.

I want screens on the back of the lenses that display my "interested and paying attention" eyes.

Sign me up, I'll hate it!!

agreed. I would have liked to read some journal entries, maybe hung out with them at Dennys afterwards. We'd totally get along, cause I've got all sorts of cheer to talk about.

Perfect! No better way to keep a low profile than a flashing light attached to my beer!!